Monday, August 6, 2012

Mastering double kick drumming, part 1

What's up fellow blasters and shredders?! Buried somewhere deep within my hectic schedule, I finally found some scraps of free time. In the resulting new instructional video series, I'll be focusing on double kick drumming.

Many of you have emailed me asking "How can I get faster feet?" or "How can I build my stamina when playing double kick?" In this and the following videos, I'm going to share what I've learned over the years in the hopes of answering some of those questions and maybe even making you happier drummers.

First up: a basic single stroke exercise which should get you started regardless of your level. I'm demonstrating a gradual increase in speed, but remember to begin at a tempo that's realistic for you. And don't forget the keys to success: Practice, Patience and Perseverance!


Feel free to email your requests and questions to info[at]dirkverbeuren[dot]com.